To examine the effect of carboplatin on testicular function, carboplat
in was administered to mature male Sprague-Dawley rats. Four weeks aft
er carboplatin treatment, the serum level of follicle-stimulating horm
one (FSH) significantly increased in animals treated with 30 mg kg(-1)
carboplatin (p < 0.02). After 8 weeks of administration, the sperm co
unt and motility in the cauda epididymis decreased in the rats treated
with 30 mg kg(-1) carboplatin (p < 0.005 and p < 0.05, respectively).
The percentage of a-type tubules and the diameter of seminiferous tub
ules were also significantly reduced in the group treated with 30 mg k
g(-1) carboplatin (p < 0.02 and p < 0.01, respectively). The serum lev
els of luteinizing hormone and testosterone were not changed, although
the serum level of FSH increased in the animals treated with 20 and 3
0 mg kg(-1) carboplatin (each, p < 0.005). All parameters returned to
normal values 12 weeks after the treatment. In conclusion, carboplatin
impairs spermatogenesis by possibly damaging the spermatogonia and Se
rtoli cells but does not affect the Leydig cell function.