Despite the advances made in the field of adhesive dentistry, microlea
kage still remains an area of concern, as a secure seal to dentine and
cementum still cannot be achieved with certainty. This project compar
ed the effectiveness of a new adhesive, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Denta
l Adhesive System(R) (SBMP) with an established product, Gluma Bonding
System(R) (Gluma) in preventing microleakage and the influence of sto
rage, thermal and load cycling on microleakage patterns. In uncycled s
pecimens, Gluma Bonding System had significantly less leakage (P<0.01)
at both occlusal and cervical margins. Thermocycling of composite res
torations utilizing SBMP resulted in a significant decrease (P<0.05) a
t the occlusal margins but had no effects on cervical leakage. Mechani
cal loading had no influence on leakage patterns either cervically or
occlusally. Three months' storage and combined treatment resulted in a
significant decrease in leakage (P<0.05) at the occlusal margins.