In two separate examples we demonstrate the use of extrinsic Raman sca
ttering probes for imaging of biological samples. First, the distribut
ion of cholesterol in a rat eye Lens is determined with the use of the
Raman scattered light from filipin, a molecule which binds specifical
ly to cholesterol. The protein distribution in the same eye lens was o
btained by using the 1450-cm(-1) CH2 and CH3 bending modes as an intri
nsic marker for protein. It appears that the cholesterol is concentrat
ed in the membranes of the eye lens fibers, whereas the protein is dis
tributed more evenly. Second, we demonstrate that phenotyping of lymph
ocytes can be done by using the Raman scattering of (antibody-coated)
polystyrene spheres. The lymphocyte population was also fluorescently
labeled with anti-CD4-FITC to demonstrate that Raman and fluorescence
labeling can be used simultaneously. Finally, we discuss the potential
advantages and disadvantages of using Raman labels.