As part of an on-going ASEAN(+))-Canada Cooperative Programme on Marin
e Science, microwave-assisted solvent extraction has been employed for
the extraction of six phthalate esters from marine sediment and soil
samples. Five of the six esters studied are among the United States En
vironmental Protection Agency's list of top priority pollutants. The e
ffects of extraction solvent, extraction temperature, duration of extr
action and extraction volume on the mean recoveries of the six phthala
te esters were quantitatively evaluated by means of an analysis of var
iance, followed by testing the differences among the level means for e
ach condition with least significant difference method. Microwave-assi
sted solvent extraction allowed comparable or higher recoveries of the
six phthalate esters (70.1-91.0 %) in comparison with conventional so
xhlet (65.5-89.5 %) and sonication (64.6-88.6 %). The precision of res
ults by microwave-assisted solvent extraction was improved significant
ly compared to the conventional techniques. The microwave extraction s
ystem has many advantages over the soxhlet and sonication extraction,
e.g., no laborious clean-up procedure, lower usage of hazardous organi
c solvent, and larger sample throughput. The technique has been employ
ed for the analysis of native marine sediment and soil samples in Sing