The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) contains an abundant opsin that i
s distinct from rhodopsin and cone visual pigments and is able to bind
the retinaldehyde chromophore. The putative retinal G protein-coupled
receptor (RGR) was isolated in digitonin solution from bovine RPE mic
rosomes and copurified consistently with a minor 34-kDa protein. The a
bsorption spectrum of RGR revealed endogenous pH-sensitive absorbance
in the blue and near-ultraviolet regions of light, Membrane-bound RGR
was incubated with exogenously added all-trans-retinal and formed two
long-lived pH-dependent photopigments with absorption maxima of 469 +/
- 2.4 and 370 +/- 7.3 nm. The effects of hydrogen ion concentration su
ggest that the blue and near-UV photopigments are tautomeric forms of
RGR, in which an all-transretinal Schiff base is protonated or unproto
nated, respectively. The RPE pigment was also demonstrable by its reac
tivity to hydroxylamine in the dark. The retinaldehyde-RGR conjugate a
t neutral pH favors the near-UV pigment and is a novel light-absorbing
opsin in the vertebrate eye.