Potential shifts in summer precipitation due to an enhanced greenhouse
effect indicate the possibility of more rain days and heavier rains i
n the Midwest, and this study assessed the effects of such changes on
transportation in Chicago using a 3-year period of data. Traffic accid
ents in the metropolitan area doubled on rainy days, with 30% more acc
idents in more densely populated urban areas than in suburban-rural ar
eas. During rain events accident severity (number of injuries) was 55%
higher in suburban and rural areas where less dense but higher speed
traffic flows exist than in the city, however. Rain days during dry mo
nths produced more accidents and injuries than during normal or wet mo
nths. Three times as many accidents occurred during heavy rain periods
(> 12.8 mm) as during nonrain conditions. Rain had a negligible influ
ence on weekday traffic volume on busy highways but there was a 9% dec
rease in traffic volume on rainy weekends. A 3-5% decrease in ridershi
p of public transportation occurred on rainy days, with most decreases
during midday. Nationally, 27% of all fatality-producing aircraft acc
idents occurred during rainy weather conditions, as did 57% of the 30-
min flight delays at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Results suggest that gi
ven continued transportation use patterns extend into the future, a fu
ture climate with more summer rain days, somewhat higher rain rates, a
nd more storms would mean more total vehicular accidents, more total i
njuries in vehicular accidents, decreased ridership on public transpor
tation systems, and more aircraft accidents and delays. A drier climat
e would likely experience fewer moderate to heavy rain events but resu
lts show that rain events during drier conditions produced a greater f
requency of accidents and injuries per event than during wetter condit