In this study the maturation of the central nervous system of full-ter
m and premature infants were investigated electrophysiologically. The
subjects were 16 full-term and 15 premature infants. Neurologic examin
ation, psychometric tests, and measurement of evoked potentials were c
arried out periodically in babies who had no birth trauma, metabolic d
isorder, or intrauterine infection. Neurophysiologic comparison of the
results was evaluated. As the babies grew older, I - V interpeak late
ncy became shorter according to the results of brainstem auditory evok
ed potentials; N1-P1 amplitude became higher and P1 latency shorter ac
cording to the results of visual evoked potentials. Central nervous sy
stem maturation of full-term babies and prematures appear to be alike
at 6 months of age.