Probing behaviour of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) larvae was m
onitored using the DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique on
the host plant cucumber. EPGs were recorded for 16 h, simultaneously w
ith honeydew excretion using a 'honeydew clock'. Three waveforms were
distinguished: a pathway waveform (C), and two phloem waveforms, one w
ith a high (H), and one with a low frequency (L) signal. The C wavefor
m mainly occurred in the crawler stage of the Ist instar larvae. EPGs
recorded from larvae during and after moulting indicated that the proc
ess involves stylet withdrawal; hence the stylets of each new instar n
eed to penetrate again from the leaf surface to the phloem. All sessil
e stages, from L1 to pre-pupa, spent almost their entire time in wavef
orms H and L. These waveforms alternated more frequently in the early
instars than during the later ones, in which the H waveform became pre
dominant. The H waveform was highly correlated with honeydew excretion
and thus phloem sap ingestion. The L waveform was not related to hone
ydew excretion but EPGs indicated that the stylet tips remain in a sie
ve element during both waveforms. Periods of honeydew production demon
strated a delay of 30-40 min in relation to the onset and end of H and
L waveforms. This delay is presumably related to the time needed for
food passing through, or emptying of, the insect's gut. From the Ist i
nstar to the pre-pupa, the frequency of excreted honeydew droplets dec
reased but their size increased, causing a net increase of the excreti
on rate.