Interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms flowing into the solar system are
attracted by the solar gravitational force, repelled by solar hydrogen
Ly-alpha radiation pressure, and are ionized, primarily, through char
ge exchange with the solar wind protons. The solar cycle variation of
the radiation pressure causes the net central solar force to fluctuate
between attraction and repulsion resulting in the modulation of the n
eutral hydrogen density about the usual time independent model. The ca
lculation presented here shows that the time dependent downstream dens
ity is strongly modulated by a large number of travelling neutral dens
ity waves. The waves possess a continuous range of wavelengths as is t
o be expected for a Maxwellian gas subjected to several eleven year so
lar cycle variations during its journey through the solar system. The
amplitudes of the density modulation were found to be quite large. The
backscattered glow was found to depend on the position of the detecto
r and the phase of the solar cycle. At the most favorable condition a
deviation of the order of 25% from the time independent glow might be