Several thousands of determinations of the degree of linear polarizati
on have been recorded over the disk of Planet Mars, at Tokyo Observato
ry station, from 1977 to 1991. In addition to the polarization produce
d by reflectance over the Martian soil surface, there is some perturba
tions by local veils of crystal or by dust storms which have been alre
ady analyzed. But a new type of unusual event has been discovered, dis
playing temporary anomalies in the degree of polarization. Their analy
sis characterizes faint and transparent veils, localized over specific
areas, and at certain times of the Martian year corresponding to the
maximum solar heating. The scattering theory of Mie indicates solid, a
bsorbing sub-micron size grains, reminiscent of small dust particles r
aised from the soil surface. Dust is observed in the Martian atmospher
e at three levels: (1) a permanent faint haze made of very small dust
particles. (2) Temporary local transparent veils made of submicron siz
e grains, preferentially during seasons and latitudes of maximum solar
heating. (3) Occasionally, an evolution of these veils to produce ext
ensive, dense, dust storms made of micron size grains, which may sprea
d all over the planet for weeks.