Many Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) provide normative decision
models aimed at supporting communication as well as consensus building
. Findings of several empirical studies investigating the merit of the
se systems suggest that groups need extra guidance and facilitation to
assure successful use of the GDSS. Embedding decision guidance mechan
isms into the GDSS itself has the potential of yielding supportive and
flexible systems that can foster effective and efficient use of these
systems. The unstructured nature of group decision making, the comput
er's active role in facilitating and guiding the group throughout the
decision-making process, and the complexity of a group's interactions
and dynamics during the decision making are the driving forces requiri
ng the use of a customized design methodology for embedding decision g
uidance into GDSS. The purpose of this article is to suggest a design
methodology for embedding decision guidance into GDSS. A detailed desc
ription of the screen design and of the operation of an actual decisio
n guidance implementation achieved by applying the suggested design ap
proach is also provided. The article concludes by describing two empir
ical studies aimed at investigating the merit of the decison guidance