A national US survey collected data on herd milk production and manage
ment of Holstein herds. Stepwise selection identified management pract
ices that were related to herd milk production using only operations t
hat calculated herd milk production as well as using data from all ope
rations. Results were similar. Milk production was highest in the West
. Operations with <100 dairy cows had lower production than did larger
operations. Operations with >25% registered cattle had higher product
ion than operations with no registered cattle. Dairy operations that r
eported a mean BW >545 kg at first calving had higher mean milk produc
tion than operations with a mean BW less than or equal to 545 kg at fi
rst calving. Operations that reported mean age at first calving less t
han or equal to 27 mo had higher mean milk production than operations
with a mean age >27 mo at first calving. In addition, use of the follo
wing management practices was associated with higher rolling herd aver
age milk production: calves born in individual areas in buildings, cal
ves hand-fed first colostrum, starter grain fed to preweaned calves, i
onophores fed to heifers from birth to first calving, DHIA record-keep
ing system used, computerized records, and no new cattle introduced in
the previous 12 mo.