Objective. To inform of a new teratogenic syndrome in human beings and
its confirmation in rats. Material and Methods. The study comprised t
hree phases: a field study; a case-control study; and a genetic epidem
iology study, aiming at identifying the causes of the occurrence of co
ngenital malformations and psychomotor retardation in the city of Mata
moros, Tamaulipas. The second-phase clinical multidisciplinary study w
as carried out at a general hospital, to conduct a comprehensive evalu
ation of patients identified during the first phase and offer them the
necessary treatment. The third-phase experimental study was done in r
ats in order to confirm the teratogenic effect of the agents detected
in the first phase. Results. A total of 44 patients had a peculiar phe
notype and mental retardation of varying degrees, all children of ex-w
orkers of the same factory who were in direct contact, without protect
ion, with organic solvents (methyl cellosolve and ethylene glycol). In
the clinical study a syndrome was delineated, previously unreported,
consisting of a peculiar facies, mental retardation, and musculo-skele
tal and sensorial abnormalities. In the experimental study it was demo
nstrated that both methyl cellosolve and ethylene glycol cause cranio-
facial, musculo-skeletal and central nervous system abnormalities, whi
ch confirmed the teratogenic effect of these solvents. Conclusions. Th
e results of this study establish the existence of a new teratogenic s
yndrome in humans, produced by methyl cellosolve and ethylene glycol,
whose teratogenic capacity had not been reported previously.