Objective. To evaluate the coverage of Mexican journals and manuscript
s of biomedical research in a Mexican data base (Bibliomex Salud) duri
ng its 10 years of existence (1985-1994). Material and methods. All th
e manu scripts published by a single Mexican journal Revista de Invest
igacion Clinica (RIC) were searched for in Bibliomex: the absence of a
RIC manuscript in Bibliomex was considered a failure. Also, the numbe
r and identity of the Mexican journals included in Bibliomex was also
noted. From a total of 744 manuscripts 99 were excluded (22 non-Mexica
n, 25 non-indexable, and 52 initially not indexed by Bibliomex). The r
emainder (645) were classified according to starting year of indexing:
originals since the first year; letters to the editor since 1990; and
editorials and authors' replies since 1993. Results. Bibliomex starte
d out with 21 Mexican journals and now has more than 50 (12 indexed du
ring the 10 years, 27 for the last 5-9 years, and 16 for the last 1-4
years). Regarding manuscripts, Bibliomex had an 8% failure rate in ori
ginals (46/597) and letters (3/36), and 25% in editorials and authors'
replies (3/12). Conclusions. a) The coverage of Bibliomex has improve
d in its second half of life in the number of both journals and manusc
ripts indexed; b) the retrieval of information could be improved by tw
o changes in the procedures of Bibliomex; c) Bibliomex seems to be a d
atabase which could be used to analyze Mexican research production at
several levels (institutional, regional, and national).