Previous reports of monomorphic clear cell carcinoma of the salivary g
lands have shown inconsistent results with immunohistochemistry, espec
ially for S-100 protein, and this has led to uncertainty about the nat
ure of these tumours. We believe that much can be explained by conside
ring this group as comprising not one but two separate neoplasms, one
epithelial and the other myoepithelial. The former has been described
as hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma-it generally occurs in the minor s
alivary glands, and strongly expresses cytokeratins but not S-100 prot
ein or alpha smooth muscle actin. In contrast, this study presents fiv
e primary malignant tumours of the major salivary glands also composed
largely of a single population of clear cells, but displaying histolo
gical and immunohistochemical features of myoepithelial differentiatio
n, such as the formation of collagenous spherules and expression of S-
100 protein and actin. A small number of similar tumours have been rep
orted previously. We, therefore, believe that these neoplasms represen
t a clear cell variant of malignant myoepithelioma (myoepithelial carc