A conditioned stimulus previously paired with electric footshock produ
ced an increase in blood pressure in conscious, freely moving rats. Th
e conditioned presser response was reproducible. Intracerebroventricul
ar injection of the nicotinic receptor antagonists hexamethonium (1-10
mu g) or pentolinium (10 mu g) but not the muscarinic receptor antago
nist methylatropine (3 mu g) produced an inhibition of the conditioned
presser response, whereas intraarterial injection of hexamethonium (1
0 mu g) did not affect the response. Intraventricular injection of the
cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine (3-10 mu g) produced an enhanc
ement of the conditioned presser response. These results are consisten
t with the possibility that central nicotinic receptors play a role in
the expression of the emotionally conditioned presser response in rat