To see if D-dimers were degraded by human neutrophil elastase (HNE), c
ross-linked fibrin was obtained by adding thrombin to purified fibrino
gen in the presence of calcium ions and factor XIII, and the fibrin cl
ot subsequently degraded by plasmin. Thereafter, the supernatant conta
ining fibrin degradation products was removed and incubated with HNE.
D-dimer levels were measured by two rapid semiquantitative tests, a la
tex agglutination test and the Nycocard immunofiltration test, and a q
uantitative ELISA-method. With increasing incubation time, D-dimer lev
els as measured by the latex and Nycocard tests rapidly decreased and
subsequently became undetectable, while the ELISA D-dimer values remai
ned essentially unchanged. By using SDS-electrophoresis and immunoblot
ting, the degradation of plasmic derivatives of cross-linked fibrin by
HNE was visualised. We conclude that in a purified system, D-dimers f
ormed during plasmin mediated lysis of cross linked fibrin are further
degraded by HNE. Such HNE degradation reduces the D-dimer concentrati
on as measured by rapid semiquantitive tests, and may be partly respon
sible for discrepant results when using different D-dimer assays.