The phase transformations [BCC]-[HCP], [BCC]-[FCC], [FCC]-[HCP] caused
by deformation and high pressure in stable iron-based alloys: iron, F
e-Ni alloys N6, N23, N27, and Fe-Mn alloy G40 were studied The nuclear
gamma resonance [NGR] technique was used to examine samples subjected
to high pressure and deformation shear in situ. The phase transformat
ions studied on pressure shear in situ are accompanied by a large decr
ease in grain dimensions and a rise of local stresses, which are respo
nsible for the observed changes in the polymorphism of Fe-Ni and Fe-Mn
alloys and formation of new structural stales: a epsilon sextet with
a broad distribution of [NGR] parameters in iron (or intercrystalline
structure), a epsilon Singlet in the [FCC] Gadfield steel ([SF] clus
ters), etc.