The membrane-bound complex between sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its t
ransducer HtrI forms the functional photoreceptor unit that allows tra
nsmission of light signals to the flagellar motor, although being a ph
otosensor, SRI, the mutant SRI-D76N and the HtrI-SRI complex can trans
port protons, as we demonstrate by using the sensitive and ion-specifi
c black lipid membrane technique, SRI sustains an orange light-driven
(one-photon-driven) outward proton transport which is enhanced by addi
tional blue light (two-photon-driven). The vectoriality of the two-pho
ton-driven transport could be reversed at neutral pH from the outward
to the inward direction by switching the cutoff wavelength of the long
wavelength light from 550 to 630 mn, The cvt-off wavelength determini
ng the reversal point decreases with decreasing pH. The currents could
be enhanced by azide. A two-photon-driven inward proton transport by
SRI-D76N (catalyzed by azide) and by the complex HtrI-SRI is demonstra
ted. The influence of pH and azide concentration on the rise and decay
kinetics of the SRI(380) intermediate is analyzed. The different mode
s of proton translocation of the SRI species are discussed on the basi
s of a general model of proton translocation of retinal proteins and i
n the context of signal transduction.