Using the double pass procedure, Navarro et al, (1993; Journal of the
Optical Society of America A, 10, 201-212) measured the monochromatic
modulation transfer function (MTF) of the human eye as a function of r
etinal eccentricity. They chose conditions as similar as possible to t
hose encountered in natural viewing. We report new measurements obtain
ed with conditions chosen instead to optimize retinal image quality: w
e paralyzed accommodation, used a 3 mm pupil, and corrected defocus an
d oblique astigmatism at each retinal location. MTFs were estimated at
the tangential focus, circle of least confusion, and sagittal focus p
roduced by oblique astigmatism. Though optical blur is well-known to h
ave little effect on peripheral visual acuity, it can nonetheless subs
tantially reduce aliasing by receptoral and post-receptoral spatial sa