7,543 double-contrast barium enema studied for the presence of diverti
cula which were classified into right-sided, left-sided and bilateral
types, and the relationship of the frequency (detection rate) and numb
ers of diverticula to age were examined for the earlier (1982-87) and
later (1988-92) periods. Diverticular disease was found in 22.2% of ma
le and 15.5% of female examinees. The right-sided type predominated am
ong the subjects. Frequency distribution by age of the bilateral type
was similar to that of the left-sided type. Bilateral diverticular dis
ease increased in frequency with advancing years in the sixth and seve
nth decade, the right-sided type increased in middle-aged subjects, an
d the left-sided type did not. The bilateral type was composed of dive
rticula in the right colon, where numbers were greater than in the pur
e right-sided type, but remained unchanged with increasing age, and di
verticula in the left colon, where numbers were similar to the pure le
ft-sided type, but did not increase with age. Increase in the prevalen
ce of bilateral and not pure left-sided form has contributed to the re
cent increase in di; verticula in the left colon among the Japanese, a
nd might have been preceded by an increase in the right-sided type.