Post-communist transition in Eastern and Central European societies is
analysed here in order to direct the focus of sociology to the basic
dualities of the new social processes emerging in the transformation p
eriod. So far, the contradiction between the emergence of political de
mocracy and the introduction and expansion of the economic market has
been the most frequent subject of analysis. A further relevant perspec
tive - the focus of this article - die ferentiates between those proce
sses occurring at the level of institutions and organisations and thos
e occurring at the cultural and civilisational levels. The reconstruct
ion of the political and economic system cannot consist solely in the
rapid imitation and implementation of Western institutions. To operate
successfully within the new institutions and organisations people req
uire new fundamental cultural resources which create their,,civilisati
onal competence'' in the area of polity and economy. Thus, the revolut
ions started in 1989 will not have been completed until the formation
of socially constructed cultural foundations is finished. This is the
task of future generations.