Fertility, synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and spermiogenesis were examin
ed in hybrids bred from four chromosomally different species of rock w
allaby, Each of the four male hybrids had different forms of chromosom
al heterozygosity (i.e., a trivalent, a quadrivalent, a pentavalent, a
nd a trivalent plus two centric shifts), Testes and seminiferous tubul
es of each hybrid were smaller than those of full-bloods, and no hybri
d produced young when paired with parous females, The degree of chromo
somal heterozygosity in the hybrids was associated with the degrees of
asynapsis, XY-autosome associations, and disruption of spermatogenesi
s, In only one hybrid were all stages of spermiogenesis commonly seen,
and in this animal, sperm abnormalities were common, SC formation was
consistent with that expected from the G-banded karyotypes, except th
at in one hybrid the chromosomes involved in the presumed centric shif
ts did not pair as expected but instead formed heteropycnotic masses.
In addition, the studies demonstrated the links between the nonpairing
X and Y chromosome and revealed an array of patterns of abnormalities
at the ultrastructural level in spermiogenesis of hybrid marsupials.