We report a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) presenting with
generalized lymphadenopathy, clinically simulating aggressive non-Hodg
kin's lymphoma. This patient presented with anemia and bulky lymphaden
opathy in the oropharyngeal (Waldeyer's ring), submandibular, supracla
vicular and inguinal nodal regions. Lymph node biopsy was initially su
ggestive of a T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, based on morphologic feat
ures together with positive immunohistochemical staining for CD7 and C
D43 (Leu 22). Definitive diagnosis of AML was established when a more
detailed immunophenotypic analysis showed expression of the myeloid ma
rkers CD13 and CD33, and by the demonstration of rare Auer rods and po
sitive peroxidase staining in bone marrow blast cells. Although this i
s a rare presentation, AML must always be considered in the clinical a
nd pathologic differential diagnosis of aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymph