Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are a relatively new class of DNA marke
rs consisting of short runs of tandemly repeated sequence motifs evenl
y distributed throughout eukaryotic genomes. Owing to the high rate of
variation in the number of repeat units, the polymorphism level shown
by SSRs is high. Furthermore, they are easy to analyze by means of th
e polymerase chain reaction, using flanking unique sequence primers. I
n order to establish the utility of SSR markers for genetic mapping an
d for the analysis of corn germplasm, corn genomic libraries were cons
tructed and screened for clones containing dinucleotide and trinucleot
ide repeats. One hundred and fifty clones were isolated and 34 of them
were used in this study to analyze 15 (AG)(n) repeats, 15 (AC)(n) rep
eats, and 4 trinucleotide repeats. Twelve corn inbred lines, represent
ing 87% of the RFLP alleles present in a collection of public corn cul
tivars, were used to assess the information content of the SSR markers
. The expected heterozygosity of each SSR marker was compared with the
expected heterozygosity of 100 different RFLP markers. The stability
of SSRs was also tested through segregation analysis on an existing ma
pping population.