Objective: To compare the trends and obstetric outcomes of pregnancy i
n teenage women with those of adult women. Methods: We analyzed a 19-y
ear (1975-1993) computerized perinatal data base with data on 69,096 b
irths collected prospectively from a single inner-city tertiary medica
l center. Results: Of all the births, 1875 (2.7%) were to teenagers 12
-15 years old and 17,359 (25.3%) were to teenagers 16-19 years old. Ov
er the study period, the number and proportion of births to teenagers
of both age groups declined (P < .001 in both cases). The proportions
of teenagers 12-15 and 16-19 years old were highest among blacks (4.1%
and 28.1%, respectively), followed by Hispanics (2.4%, 24.7%) and whi
tes (1.6%, 23.1%). More than 95% of teenagers had no private health in
surance coverage (staff), significantly higher than the 81.6% of mothe
rs aged 20 years or older (P < .001). More than 8.1% of teenagers 12-1
5 years old had two or fewer prenatal care visits, significantly highe
r than 6.8% for teenagers 16-19 years old and 7.1% for adults (P < .00
1). The average gestational age and birth weight were significantly lo
wer for teenagers 12-15 years old compared with those 16-19 years old
and adults. Patients 16-19 years of age had longer gestational age and
higher birth weight than the adults. The proportion of primary cesare
an deliveries among teenagers 12-15 years old was 11.6%, significantly
higher than 9.4% for those 16-19 years old and 10.2% for adults (P <
.001). Conclusion: On average, females 16-19 years old had better obst
etric outcomes than adults, whereas obstetric outcomes for those 12-15
years old were worse than for adults. Therefore, all teenagers should
not be grouped together when their obstetric outcomes are compared wi
th those of adults.