Yy. Zhou et al., FRIABILITY AND CRUSHING STRENGTH OF MICROMETER-SIZE DIAMOND ABRASIVESUSED IN MICROGRINDING OF OPTICAL-GLASS, Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy andmaterials science, 27(4), 1996, pp. 1047-1053
In abrasive grinding, the properties of the abrasives and their respon
se to impact loading play a significant role in determining the result
s achievable. For micrometer-size diamond abrasives used for bound-abr
asive microgrinding of optical glass, friability testing is used to es
timate the related particle properties. Friability and crushing streng
th of diamond abrasives are estimated based on the data from comminuti
on of sample powders on a commercial SPEX mixer/mill. Different diamon
d abrasives as well as a CBN abrasive are tested. Evolution of powder
size and size distribution with comminution time is characterized with
a HORIBA laser scattering analyzer. Correlation is established for th
e impact stress and the probability of fracture during comminution. Th
is study demonstrates how to combine the ease of data acquisition foun
d in a conventional friability test with the capability of predicting
specific mechanical properties normally found only by crushing individ
ual abrasive particles.