Menopause has often been described as a time of loss and decay in the
lay and medical literature. The present research aims at defining wome
n's perception of themselves and their health care needs in this perio
d of life. Through a community-based sample of women, participative as
sessments were performed and their conclusions contrasted with the opi
nions of male and female gynecologists. Though both groups coincided c
oncerning the relevance of loneliness, partnership, beauty and the ''e
mpty nest'' syndrome, several items showed a marked difference between
both groups. Gynecologists tended to perceive women as much more stri
ving for an active sex-life, depressed, lacking projects for the futur
e and worried about their health care than they actually were. Women,
instead, stressed the relevance of menopause as a life crisis laden wi
th opportunities for self-accomplishment and positive changes in life-
style towards greater autonomy. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Lt