We have shown previously by means of quail/chick transplantations that
external and visceral organs, i,e,, somatopleural and splanchnopleura
l derivatives, acquire their endothelial network through different mec
hanisms, namely immigration (termed angiogenesis) versus in situ emerg
ence of precursors (or vasculogenesis), We have traced the distributio
n of QH1-positive cells in chick hosts after replacement of the last s
omites by quail somites (orthotopic grafts) or lateral plate mesoderm
(heterotopic grafts), The results lead to the conclusion that the embr
yo becomes vascularized by endothelial precursors from two distinct re
gions, splanchnopleural mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm, The territorie
s respectively vascularized are complementary, precursors from the par
axial mesoderm occupy the body wall and kidney, i,e,, they settle alon
g with the other paraxial mesoderm derivatives and colonize the somato
pleure, The precursors from the two origins have distinct recognition
and potentialities properties: endothelial precursors of paraxial orig
in are barred from vascularizing visceral organs and from integrating
into the door of the aorta, and are never associated with hemopoiesis;
splanchnopleural mesoderm grafted in the place of somites, gives off
endothelial cells to body wall and kidney but also visceral organs, It
gives rise to hemopoietic precursors in addition to endothelial cells