Hydrogen bonding substrates (S) trigger bright phosphorescence upon th
eir addition to aqueous solutions containing 1-bromonaphthalene (1-BrN
p) and a glucosyl modified cyclodextrin (G beta-CC). Steady-state and
time-resolved luminescence measurements establish that the phosphoresc
ence arises from 1-BrNp as part of a 1-BrNp-G beta-CD S complex. In al
l cases, the substrate comprises a bulky t-butyl or cyclohexyl group s
paced from the functional group of an alcohol, amine, carboxylic acid,
ester, or aldehyde. Association constants, molecular models, and subs
trate binding studies are consistent with the substrate hydrogen bondi
ng to the rim of the CD cup, with its aliphatic end flipped over the h
ydrophobic interior of the CD. The phosphorescence enhancement induced
by substrate is related to its effectiveness in shielding photoexcite
d 1-BrNp from quenching by oxygen. The enhancements can be extremely l
arge, approaching a 10(5) increase in intensity, depending on the fit
of the substrate to the top of the CD. We have explored the topologica
l features of the substrate that lead to the best shielding and hence
greatest triggered luminescence response.