Based on the prevalence of modular protein domains, such as Src homolo
gy domain 3 and 2 (SH3 and SH2), among important signaling molecules,
we have sought to identify new SH3 domain-containing proteins. However
, modest sequence similarity among these domains restricts the use of
DNA-based methods for this purpose. To circumvent this limitation, we
have developed a functional screen that permits the rapid cloning of m
odular domains based on their ligand-binding activity. Using operation
ally defined SH3 ligands from combinatorial peptide libraries, we scre
ened a series of mouse and human cDNA expression libraries. We found t
hat 69 of the 74 clones isolated encode at least one SH3 domain. These
clones encode 18 different SH3-containing proteins, in of which have
not been described previously. The isolation of entire repertoires of
modular domain-containing proteins will prove invaluable in genome ana
lysis and in bringing new targets into drug discovery programs.