We examined the seasonality of reproduction in captive and wild bottle
nose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Stranding records of neonatal dolph
ins and observed births from a long-term field study were used to esti
mate peak periods of birth for wild populations, and information from
captive-breeding colonies was used to assess the effects of latitude a
nd origin of breeding females on timing of birth for dolphins in capti
vity. Bottlenose dolphins showed diffuse peaks and considerable flexib
ility in their seasonality of reproduction. There was no relationship
between latitude and seasonality of reproduction or synchrony of birth
s. However, there was a correlation between origin of population and s
easonality of reproduction in both wild and captive dolphins. We sugge
st that adaptations to local environmental conditions have the stronge
st influence on seasonality of reproduction in these populations of bo
ttlenose dolphins.