Eighteen species of lichens of the family Pyxinaceae (5), Parmeliaceae
(4), Collemaceae (3), Usneaceae (1), Lecideaceae (1) Diploschistaceae
(1), Cladoniaceae (1), Ramalinaceae (1) and Physciaceae (1) reported
for the first time from South African floristic region and are new rec
ords for southern Africa. The present paper is the second of the serie
s of lichenological exploration of Transkei region and provides additi
onal information to the previous reports. Ecology, distribution and mo
rphological characters are discussed. Some lichens occur only in the c
oastal regions while some others are found only at high altitudes, the
refore, these can be termed coastal lichens and mountain lichens respe
ctively. Two terricolous lichens Baeomyces and Toninia are colonizers
of bare exposed substratum that is liable to constant erosion.