An oxygen evolving photosystem II core complex containing all three ex
trinsic proteins (33, 23, 17 kDa) was isolated from spinach and recons
tituted into tubular two-dimensional crystals of 72.9 nm diameter and
1-2 micrometers length. While the 17 and 23 kDa polypeptides were lost
during crystallization, the extrinsic 33 kDa protein was retained. Th
e optical spectrum of the crystallized core was characteristic of an i
ntact PSII core complex. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the l
umenal surface of the PSII complex was exposed at the outside of the c
ylindrical tubes. The projection of the complex was determined from fl
attened tubular crystals by negative stain electron microscopy and ima
ge analysis to 2.0 nm resolution. Rhombic unit cells (a = 16.2 nm, b =
13.7 nm; gamma = 142.4 degrees) contained one PSII complex. (C) 1996
Academic Press Limited