Full-scale experiments with cooling of raw milk of good initial qualit
y from a herd of 70 dairy cows have been performed under practical far
m conditions, with different cooling and storage conditions, including
instant cooling in a continuous process versus normal cooling in a ba
tch process. During each milking, the milk was divided equally and suc
cessively for different cooling procedures. Quality evaluations (numbe
r of bacteria, acidity and oxidation of fat, sensoric quality) indicat
ed that instant cooling/continuous process compared with normal coolin
g/batch process over 2.5 hours, both to 4 degrees C, resulted in a sli
ghtly slower bacterial growth and a slightly slower hydrolysis and oxi
dation of milk fat. Instant raw milk cooled and stored at 2.5 degrees
C maintained a good quality for about one to two days more than when n
ormal cooling over 1.5 hours and storing at 4 degrees C was used.