It is interesting to be able to estimate the values of the zero-field
splitting parameters D and E appearing in the spin Hamiltonian of the
Mn2+ ion in disordered materials, such as glass and polycrystalline sa
mples. Since the electronic spin of the Mn2+ ion is 5/2 (>1/2), it is
able to interact with the crystalline electric field of the environmen
t to provide information on its surroundings. The present work attempt
s to interpret the intensities and positions of both the allowed and h
yperfine forbidden EPR lines of the Mn2+ ion in disordered materials.
First, a discussion is presented of the analytical expressions for the
intensities and positions of the EPR lines in a monocrystal, which ar
e then exploited by averaging to describe the expected behavior in dis
ordered materials in order to estimate the values of the parameters D
and E. The discussion is thereafter generalized to use computer simula
tions to generate Mn2+ EPR spectra in glassy and polycrystalline media
. The effects of distribution of D and E parameters and expected singu
larities in Mn2+ EPR spectra on the resulting EPR spectra in disordere
d materials are considered. Some published results are included to ill
ustrate the application of the techniques described in this paper.