Study Design. This study investigated the use of tisseel (Immuno [Cana
da], Toronto, Ontario) as an adjunct to allograft spinal fusion. Thirt
een mongrel dogs were fused bilaterally with morcellized graft from a
separate dog. Objectives. To evaluate whether fibrin sealant had an ef
fect on bone volume of fusion mass in allograft fusions of the spine.
Summary of Background Data. Fibrin sealant has been promoted fro use i
n many orthopedic applications. There is controversy about its effecti
veness in augmenting bone graft healing. However, some surgeons make r
outine use of the sealant in augmentation of bone grafting procedures.
Methods. To test the usefulness of this material in augmenting allogr
aft fusions, the authors carried out bilateral posterolateral fusions
in 13 mongrel dogs. At surgery, 15 cm(3) of allograft was placed into
a posterolateral position at the L5-L6 region on both sides of the spi
ne. Fibrin sealant (Tisseel) was allocated randomly to one side only.
Fusion mass was tested 6 months after the initial operation by compute
d tomographic scan imaging and mechanical testing. Results. A signific
antly smaller bone volume mass, as illustrated by computed tomographic
measurement, was seen on the Tisseel side (P = 0.03). Biomechanical t
esting indicated that there was a trend for the Tisseel side to be sti
ffer than the untreated side, particularly at lower weights, but stati
stical significance was not achieved. Computed tomographic volumetric
analysis showed that tisseel-treated allograft led to a significantly
smaller fusion volume. Conclusions. This study refutes the belief that
Tisseel is a good material for accomplishing or augmenting interverte
bral arthrodesis. Fibrin sealant significantly retards allograft fusio
n mass formation in dogs.