This paper reviews some of the most important aspects of MOVPE of III-
V semiconductors. The paper starts with fundamental aspects of MOVPE i
n general, and turns to the use of novel precursors and precursor comb
inations with special emphasis on improvements in safety, material con
sumption, reactivities or precursor combinations and layer purity. The
next section discusses special problems and advantages of selective a
rea growth and growth on patterned substrates. Then the growth of hete
rostructures, quantum wells and superlattices for field-effect transis
tors, Wannier-Stark modulators and resonant tunnelling diodes is descr
ibed. It will be shown that different growth parameters, e.g., differe
nt switching sequences between individual layers, are needed for eithe
r optoelectronic or electronic devices. The usefulness of MOVPE for va
rious material combinations such as AlGaAs/GaAs, InP/InGaAs, InGaAs/In
GaAs, InGaAsP/InGaAsP, InAs/AlSb and InAs/InPSb will be demonstrated b
y material properties and device performances.