The simplest nontrivial program pattern in logic programming is the fo
llowing:p(fact) <-- p(left) <-- p(right). <-- p(goal). where fact, goa
l, left, and right are arbitrary terms. Because the well-known append
program matches this pattern, we will denote such programs ''append-li
ke.'' In spite of their simple appearance, we prove in this paper that
termination and satisfiability (i.e., the existence of answer-substit
utions, called the emptiness problem) for append-like programs are und
ecidable. We also study some subcases depending on the number of occur
rences of variables in fact, goal, left, or right. Moreover, we prove
that the computational power of append-like programs is equivalent to
the one of Turing machines; we show that there exists an append-like u
niversal program. Thus, we propose an equivalent of the Bohm-Jacopini
theorem for logic programming. This result confirms the expressiveness
of logic programming. The proofs are based on program transformations
and encoding of problems, unpredictable iterations within number theo
ry defined by J. H. Conway, or the Post correspondence problem.