To address the need for a complex physiologic motion phantom for use i
n MR applications, such as the verification of techniques for measurin
g myocardial motion dynamics and motion insensitive pulse sequences, a
computer-controlled motion phantom has been designed, The phantom, wh
ich consists of a deformable silicone gel annulus mounted on a transla
tion stage, can undergo a range of bulk motions and deformations. Avai
lable motions include bulk rotation and translation, rotational shear,
axial shear, and combinations of some or all of these motions, In thi
s paper, the capability of the phantom to produce accurate constant an
d time-varying waveforms is demonstrated. In the current implementatio
n, peak linear translation and rotation rates are 175 mm s(-1) and 10
rad s(-1), respectively. Cycle-to-cycle reproducibility is excellent,
with variations of less than .003 radians over the period of hours whi
le undergoing rotational shear, The phantom has been designed in a fle
xible fashion so that various test objects can be scanned while underg
oing bulk translation and can be adapted to produce different deformat