A total of 48 samples of maize-based gruels, used as weaning food for
children, were taken daily from hospital meals and from patients' moth
ers while their children were on admission at the Wesley Guild Hospita
l, Ilesha, Nigeria. These samples were analysed for aflatoxins and och
ratoxin A. Twelve samples (25%) were positive for aflatoxins (concentr
ation range 2-19716 pg/g) but only four (8%) were positive for ochrato
xin (concentration range 142-6516 pg/g). In the majority, the concentr
ations were relatively low, only two having aflatoxin and one ochratox
in A levels greater than 1000 pg/g. It is concluded that, unlike aflat
oxin, ochratoxin A contamination is unlikely to present a major health
hazard to the newly weaned child in this area of Nigeria.