Background. The clinical manifestations of fibrillary-immunotactoid gl
omerulopathy are still being appreciated. It is unclear whether fibril
lary-immunotactoid glomerulopathy represents two distinct clinicopatho
logical entities, fibrillary glomerulopathy (FG) immunotactoid glomeru
lopathy (ITG), or a single disease with different ultrastructural vari
ants. Methods. To address these issues, we analysed the clinical featu
res of 186 patients with fibrillary-immunotactoid glomerulopathy refer
red to our institutions (25 patients) or reported in the literature (1
61 patients). In separate analyses, patients were subclassified as hav
ing either fibrillary glomerulopathy (FG) or immunotactoid glomerulopa
thy (ITG) according to fibril diameter (FG less than or equal to 30 nm
, ITG>30 nm) or arrangement (FG, random; ITG, focally organized). Resu
lts. Proteinuria (FG similar to 100%, ITG similar to 100%), nephrotic
syndrome( FG similar to 71%, ITG similar to 82%), haematuria (FG simil
ar to 71%, ITG similar to 64%), hypertension (FG similar to 67%, ITG s
imilar to 45%), and renal insufficiency (FG similar to 54%, ITG simila
r to 42%) were frequent clinical correlates of both FG and ITG, irresp
ective of the ultrastructural criteria for diagnosis. Twenty-five pati
ents presenting to our institutions (24 FG, 1 ITG) were divided into t
hree groups based on rate of decline of GFR (mean slope of 1/serum cre
atinine versus time: group 1 -0.103+/-0.238; group 2 0.121+/-0.040; gr
oup 3 0.466+/-0.318) in an attempt to identify clinical predictors of
progression at presentation. Rapid progressors (Group 3) had an increa
sed incidence of nephrotic syndrome and tended to have higher blood pr
essure than patients with milder disease, but did not differ from othe
r groups in age, prevalence of haematuria or degree of renal insuffici
ency. The number of patients requiring dialysis was 0/10 in group 1, 2
/6 in group 2, and 2/4 in group 3 over a follow-up period of 47+/-46,
55+/-32, and 19+/-19 months respectively; two predialysis deaths being
recorded in group 3. Four patients received five renal allografts (on
e patient being transplanted twice) and were followed for 4-11 years.
Whereas recurrence of FG was documented in three allografts undergoing
post-transplant biopsy, the rate of deterioration of GFR was invariab
ly slower in allografts than native kidneys (mean slope of 1/Cr versus
time: 0.036+/-0.01 versus 0.301+/-0.18 respectively). The strength of
association between FG-ITG and lymphoproliferative malignancy varied
depending on whether patients with monoclonal-gammopathy-associated fi
brillary deposits were included or excluded from the analysis. Conclus
ions. We contend that patients presenting with Congo-red-negative fibr
illary deposits on renal biopsy should be evaluated carefully for mono
clonal gammopathy and cryoglobulins, but that there is insufficient pu
blished data, as yet, to justify subclassification of FG and ITG as di
stinct clinicopathological entities. Indeed, we argue that it remains
to be determined if FG-ITG represents a unique condition or a forme fr
uste of cryoglobulin- or monoclonal-gammopathy-associated renal diseas
e. Although the optimal treatment for FG-ITG has not been determined,
renal transplantation appears an attractive option in patients with en
d-stage renal failure.