Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV), a badnavirus was found in sugarcan
e genotypes of Saccharum officinarum L., S. barberi Jesw., S. sinense
Roxb., S. robustum Brand and Jesw., and Saccharum hybrids. In most of
the suspected genotypes the virus was found associated with clear foli
ar symptoms. However, certain symptom-free clones carried the virus to
o. The virus was detected by immune-electron microscopy (IEM) and enzy
me-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in sucpected clones. The virions
measured about 108-118 x 20-21 nm in size. The virus was serologicall
y closely related to another badnavirus, banana streak virus (BSV). Vi
rus titer was low in most of the genotypes. However, a close correlati
on between symptoms expression and virus titer existed in some genotyp