A cluster of long-range repeats (LRRs) with a repeat size of roughly 1
00 kb is part of band D of chromosome 1 of the house mouse, Mus muscul
us. The cluster is cytogenetically polymorphic: it is either C-band ne
gative or C-band positive. Our results show that the differential stai
ning behavior depends on the LRR copy number and not on differences in
DNA composition. There is a threshold between 105 and 175 LRR copies
per haploid genome; clusters with lower copy numbers stain C-band nega
tive, whereas those with higher copy numbers are C-band positive. Abov
e this threshold, the size of the C-band is linearly correlated with t
he LRR copy number. The results imply that sequences capable of formin
g heterochromatin may be dispersed throughout the genome but are not r
ecognized as such by cytogenetic techniques, unless they reach the thr
eshold amount and concentration.