The differentiation of epidermis in the various parts of the human ear
canal was documented on the basis of cytokeratin (Ck) expression patt
erns. Immunohistochemistry was performed on cryostat sections of norma
l meatal skin using a comprehensive panel of monospecific Ck antibodie
s representing the main lines of epithelial differentiation. The epide
rmis of the cartilaginous part showed a Ck profile characteristic of n
ormal skin type differentiation. The deep meatal skin, including the t
ympanic membrane, showed a peculiar type of differentiation: in additi
on to epidermal Cks, hyperproliferation-associated Cks 6, 16, and 17 w
ere expressed in the suprabasal cells, while the simple epithelial cel
l marker Ck 19 was found in the basal cells. The presence of hyperprol
iferative Cks in the deep meatal skin could only partly be related to
areas of proliferative activity. Keratinocytes, which express markers
of hyperproliferation, are migratory. Therefore, their presence in the
meatal skin is likely to be related to the peculiar pattern of kerati
nocyte migration, the purpose of which is to keep the meatus free from
desquamation products.