The crystal structure of the deuteride phase of Ti3P has been refined
from neutron powder diffraction data taken at 25 degrees C and 250 deg
rees C using the Rietveld method. The tetragonal beta-V3S-type structu
re, space group P4(2)/nbc, involves three crystallographically indepen
dent deuterium sites. The room temperature cell parameters are a = 10.
3466(4) Angstrom and c = 5.0589(3) Angstrom, with a refined deuterium
content of 2.4 D per formula unit. The 250 degrees C structure is esse
ntially the same as the room temperature structure. The structure of t
he deuterium solid solution of Ti3P at 300 degrees C has also been stu
died using neutron powder diffraction. A new deuterium site was found
but the structure was the same in other respects as that found at room
temperature with only small changes in the cell parameters.