Alprostadil (prostaglandin E(1)) administration to liver transplant re
cipients has been shown to result in a significant reduction in the du
ration of hospital admission for transplantation, and in the need for
re-operations (other than re-transplants) and renal support. To study
the economic impact of this finding, we examined data from a controlle
d trial for all single-transplant surviving patients (42 alprostadil,
49 controls) for whom complete billing records were available for tran
splant days -2 to +150. All costs were measured in 1992 US dollars. Pa
tients given alprostadil had lower total charges [mean +/- standard de
viation (SD) $US175 297 +/- $US70 652] than patients given placebo (me
an +/- SD $US225 672 +/- $US187 208) [p = 0.043]. The data suggest tha
t the use of alprostadil may have a significant favourable impact on t
he cost of liver transplantation.