Microscopic examination of the incisors of rats and mice may reveal to
xicologically significant changes. First, the incisor morphology refle
cts the nutritional status of the animal: fluctuations of mineral meta
bolism and vitamin availability are disclosed by the rodent incisors,
because the incisors continue to grow during life. Similarly, direct o
r indirect changes of mineral metabolism by a test substance are refle
cted in the morphological appearance of the incisor dentin. In additio
n, hormonal disturbances may give rise to typical structural alteratio
ns of the incisor in the test animal. Certain chemicals may have delet
erious effects upon the odontogenic tissues, resulting in tooth malfor
mation and malocclusion and eventually in odontomas. Apparent nasal tu
mors may rum out to be of dental origin. Nasal luminal masses that are
discussed within this scope are dental malformation, dental callus, a
nd true odontogenic tumors. According to our experience, odontogenic t
umors might possibly develop within the scope of a reaction to mechani
cal tooth trauma as well. In carcinogenicity studies, this considerati
on deserves attention when evaluating treatment-related putative odont
ogenic tumors.