In an open, prospective clinical trial enrolling 205 patients, efficac
y and safety of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist leuprorelin
acetate depot (LAD) in the treatment of patients with advanced prosta
tic carcinoma were assessed. 3.75 mg of the LAD formulation was inject
ed subcutaneously in monthly intervals. The primary objective of this
study was to evaluate the efficacy of the analogue in producing and ma
intaining castration levels of testosterone over a > 3-year follow-up
period and to determine its safety profile. Median pretreatment serum
testosterone levels fell from 350 to 21 ng/dl after 4 weeks and 20 ng/
dl after 45 months. The long-term clinical efficacy of the LAD formula
tion can be expressed by best treatment response over time. These resp
ective figures read as follows: 10.7% complete response; 49.8% partial
response; 34.1% no change; 1.5% progression, and 3.9% no data availab
le. The median time to progression was 12 (15 +/- 11) months. Median s
urvival time calculated by Kaplan-Meier exceeded 42.5 months for patie
nts on monotherapy and 30.9 months for those on combination therapy. H
ot flushes which were related to androgen deprivation were the most co
mmon side effects. Patients and treating physicians judged tolerabilit
y of LAD in more than 90% as good. Androgen deprivation remains the ma
instay of hormone-dependent advanced carcinoma of the prostate. Up to
now, surgical castration has been considered the standard method. LAD
is an advantage in the endocrine treatment of advanced prostatic carci
noma and is a good alternative to castration.