Purpose: The endovascular surgical approach to complex disorders of th
e central nervous system has made rapid and significant advancements o
ver the past decade. Patients with intracranial arterial aneurysms, tr
aumatic carotid and vertebral artery lesions, including fistulas and p
seudoaneurysms, hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic lesions, v
asospasm, and acute stroke are now being approached and treated by new
er and less invasive techniques, including cerebral angioplasty and th
rombolytic therapy. Methods: All procedures are usually performed from
a transfemoral approach utilizing a variety of occlusion devices, inc
luding detachable silicone balloons, microcoils, electrolytic detachab
le coils, liquid tissue adhesives, and particulate emboli for vessel o
cclusion. For dilatation and reperfusion of vessels, balloon angioplas
ty catheters, stents, and thrombolytic drugs are being used.Results: F
or the treatment of traumatic vascular injuries, such as carotid caver
nous sinus fistulas and vertebral arteriovenous fistulas and pseudoane
urysms, endovascular therapy has become the treatment of choice. The e
ndovascular approach for intracranial aneurysms is emerging as a thera
peutic option in selected cases. For occlusive disorders in patients p
resenting with acute cerebral ischemia, extracranial angioplasty and c
erebral thrombolysis techniques are currently under investigation. Con
clusions: As these techniques continue to evolve, the field of interve
ntional neuroradiology will expand the therapeutic options for managin
g complex cerebrovascular disorders and improve patient outcome in acu
te stroke therapy.